Nielsen BookData and the IPG
Nielsen BookData has been supporting the book industry since 1858 and has worked closely with the IPG and its members for many years. Here we have outlined some of our current initiatives, please get in touch to learn more.
Our Book2Look service enables you to create a ‘look inside’ experience for your readers with interactive content, including video and audio clips.
Seeing is believing! Click here for a preview: Nielsen Book2Look Preview
For more information click here: Nielsen Book2Look
Special Offer for IPG Members
Buy five Book2Look ‘look inside’ widgets and get one free!*
Email: sales.book@nielseniq.com
* Minimum purchase of 5. Maximum purchase of 50. This offer expires on 31 December 2024.
Publisher health check
The need for high quality metadata is more important than ever.
Our Publisher Health Check report will provide an overview on the quality of the data Nielsen BookData holds for your titles. We will provide you with statistics around your data completeness and make recommendations on how you can improve your title listings ensuring all your metadata elements are complete and up-to-date.
According to Nielsen BookData’s latest research titles meeting the BIC basic requirements enjoy double the average sales of books that don’t meet that standard.
15% off for IPG members
We are offering IPG Members a 15% discount off our Publisher Health Check, simply sign up before 31 December 2024.
Silver Health Check
For publishers, distributors or sales reps with fewer than 500 title records.
Gold Health Check
For publishers, distributors or sales reps with between 500 and 25,000 title records.
Both reports will feed back on the elements you have listed with us and will provide guidance on how to improve your listings. The feedback will be based on your full list of titles. For more information please email: sales.book@nielseniq.com
Enrich your metadata
Books with five descriptive data elements on average experience sales three times higher than titles with no descriptive elements.
Share enriched book blurb, including descriptions, table of contents, reviews, promotional information and author biographies, to thousands of book buyers.
Our Nielsen BookData Enhanced Service enables you to add, where appropriate, these descriptive elements and our Editorial Team will manage your information, ensuring accuracy, consistency, timeliness and completeness of your records, giving your titles the competitive edge when viewed by book-buyers around the world.
The Enhanced Service is an annual subscription based on the number of titles you publish and a minimum charge applies.
15% off for IPG Members
We are offering IPG Members 15% off the Nielsen BookData Enhanced Services in the first year.** To take advantage of this offer click here and enter code Enh0316.
** This offer is only available to IPG Members who are not existing BookData Enhanced Service clients. This offer expires on 31 December 2024.
We collect point-of-sale data from over 6,500 shops in the UK & Ireland to measure the market in its entirety every week. Combine this with our Books & Consumer Survey data and you get a unique insight into the UK and Irish book market and their consumers.
Our BookSales services allow you to access Nielsen BookScan sales data via our online platform.
- Track sales from your own list or that of your competitors
- Benchmark and monitor price promotions
- Run trends and timelines to measure performance and see effects of marketing campaigns and events
Our services provide publishers with essential intelligence to assist their commissioning, sales, marketing, stock and inventory management decisions.
BookSales Look-Up
Look up sales data by author, title or ISBN (up to 1,000 at a time). Sales are returned for all books measured by the Nielsen BookScan TCM.
BookSales Trends
Look up sales data by author, title or ISBN (up to 1,000 at a time) and in addition the data can be trended over time to show quarterly sales figures from 2001 to the latest quarter. Sales are returned for all books measured by the Nielsen BookScan TCM.
25% off for IPG Members
Subscribe to BookSales Look-Up or BookSales Trends and save 25% in your first year.^ Email: infobookresearch@nielseniq.com and quote code: IPGBOOKSALES2024.
^ This discount is available to IPG Members only who are not existing Nielsen BOSS or Nielsen BookSales Look-Up or Trends clients. This offer expires on 31 December 2024.
Further Material from Nielsen BookData
Nielsen BookData Research Brochure
Nielsen BookData Independent Publishers Brochure
Book2Look Online Marketing Tool
Exclusive Offers for IPG Members from Nielsen BookData